- Name:Florida Box Turtle
- Scientific Name:Terrapene carolina bauri
- Description:A small to medium sized turtle
- Family:Pond and Marsh Turtles family
- Habitat:wetlands, marshlands, and near swamps
- Name:Florida Softshell Turtle
- Scientific Name:Trionyx ferox
- Family:Softshell Turtle family
- Habitat:Lakes, bonds, canals
- Activity:By day; floats in water; basks
- Name:Gopher Tortoise
- Scientific Name:Gopherus polyphemus
- Habitat:Open woods, shrubs, grasslands
- Activity:By day
- Range:Most of Florida; very local in South-Florida
- Name:Green Treefrog
- Scientific Name:Hyla cinerea
- Family:Treefrog family
- Size:2"
- Habitat:Waterside vegetation, towns
- Activity:Nocturnal
- Name:Pond Slider
- Scientific Name:Trachemys scripta
- Family:Pond and Box family
- Habitat:Fresh waters with soft bottoms, vegetation
- Activity:Mainly by day, basks
- Range:North-Florida
- Name:Southern Toad
- Scientific Name:Bufo terrestris
- Family:Toad family
- Size:3"
- Voice:Loud, long, high-pitched trill
- Habitat:Mostly in sandy pine and oak woods
- Activity:Nocturnal